ACM SIGSPATIAL 2025 invites submission of proposals for tutorials on topics related to the conference's areas of interest, namely all conceptual, design, and implementation aspects of geospatial data (please refer to the conference's Call for Papers for a list of topics).

Tutorials, which will be delivered on the conference’s first day (November 03), can be of foundational, applied as well as interdisciplinary nature and are expected to be focused on a given theme, contextualizing and covering the state-of-the-art related to such a theme and highlighting challenges and opportunities for future research. Proposals should not focus primarily on any particular researcher’s line of work and should also keep in mind that SIGSPATIAL’s audience is quite diverse in terms of background and interests. Authors of accepted proposals will be required to write a 2-4 pages summary of their tutorial (i.e., an expanded version of the proposal) for inclusion in the conference proceedings, and also make tutorial material (such as slides) publicly available, e.g., under an appropriate Creative Commons or similar license model, during and after the conference. Finally, in addition to accepting submissions, the conference reserves the right to also invite tutorials directly.

Submission Guidelines:

Proposals must (1) be no longer than 2 pages, excluding references, formatted using ACM’s Conference format (e.g., using Overleaf’s template), (2) be submitted as a PDF file via this Google Form and (3) contain the following information:

  • Title of the tutorial
  • Author(s)/Presenter(s):
    • Ideally, at least one of the authors should be a relatively senior researcher in a community related to one of SIGSPATIAL’s main themes. Participation at previous SIGSPATIAL events, however, is not required.
  • Overview:
    • Brief introduction to the tutorial’s main content, including its relevance to the conference, and expected outcome, e.g., what attendees will have learned at the end.
  • Structure:
    • Main topics to be covered in the tutorial (including references) and how much time will be dedicated to each topic.
  • Length:
    • Considering the structure above, explain whether the tutorial is intended to be delivered over one or two 90-min sessions.
  • Audience:
    • Describe the ideal and minimum expected background of the intended audience.
  • Author/Presenter information:
    • Include short biographical sketches for all authors, indicating who will be the presenter(s).
  • Further information (optional):
    • Feel free to add any information you consider relevant to the proposal, e.g., A/V requirements, existing support material, whether the tutorial has been presented elsewhere, etc.

Important Dates:

  • Proposals submission: July 03.
  • Acceptance/rejection notification: July 25.
  • Camera-ready (extended tutorial summary): August 21.

Tutorial Co-Chairs: